Wednesday, March 15, 2006

? ? Rational Religion ? ?

Some might confuse rational religion with Rationalism, but that would be too easy. Rationalism, without going into detail basically believes that everything can be understood and explained. Why Rationalists believe this is something I don't understand and has never quite been adequately explained, but that's another story.

Religion is a collection of beliefs that "fills the gaps" in empirical knowledge. Religion deals more with why than how. Religion works with motives rather than mechanics. Religion gives answers where science only gives shrugs. Everybody has religion of some sort or another.

Rational deals with reasons. That which is rational is in agreement with reason, but this is not to be confused with logical. Logic is a strict discipline what precise rules that lead to explicit conclusions. Reason, while close to logic is not as rigid or precise. Reason sees connections, though not necessarily rules. While it may be reasonable for a person to be afraid of dogs after having been bit once, it is not strictly logical. Logic says "therefore" where reason simply says "because."

I am a Christian and I am convinced that Christianity is rational. In the coming posts I will cover a variety of what I consider Christian beliefs, some familiar and some possibly unique. Christianity, in my understanding, is not about emotions and wishful thinking, but is consistent with reality.


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