Tuesday, April 24, 2007


God believes in consequences. That is, God is aware of the reality of imperfection and willing to work within those restraints when dealing with people.

C.S. Lewis wrote an essay titled "Transposition" in which he effectively described how misunderstanding is possible. In his essay, Mr. Lewis explained that there are multiple levels of complexity in our existence, some more rich and detailed than others. Man has at least four levels of complexity; physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual with each being more intricate than the previous.

Misunderstanding occurs when a higher level expresses itself through a lower level, something with which we're all familiar. For example, when we attempt to write an explanation for and idea we've had, we will frequently find that the words don't quite do it justice. In a similar way when our emotions attempt to express themselves things can get quite confusing. An increased heart beat, sweaty palms and queasy stomach can be evidence of love, fear or disease. It takes effort to determine what's happening.

As an exercise attempt to describe the differences between a dog and a cat. Make sure that your description eliminates confusion between the two so that someone who has never seen either can tell the difference. When you do this, you'll see quite quickly how difficult it is to convey information from one level through a lower level. We all know that a dog and a cat are different and can recognize the difference immediately. However, when it comes to putting that difference in words, the nuances become almost inexpressible.

C.S. Lewis explains that when a higher level is manifested through a lower level certain parts of the lower level end up doing double duty. This is no different than attempting to play an orchestral symphony on a piano. Even if you play all the notes, the variety of the timbres represented in the different instruments cannot be accurately expressed. Something is bound to get lost in the translation. Imagine then, the difficulty of expressing a spiritual truth using simple words.

God knows that He will be misunderstood, but He is patient enough to explain things. Repeatedly if necessary.

But God is perfect; God knows everything. Why can't God put accurate knowledge into people and short-circuit the misunderstanding? Most simply put our free will, the grand gift of self-determination prevents God from turning us into mindless puppets. The very fact that God said to us, "Choose" prevents God from manipulating our actions.

We've all heard the saying, "If you love it let it go ..." Which very clearly tells us that loving someone is the willingness to let it exist without you; sometimes even to the extent of it's own peril. God, by giving us the ability to choose, has let us go with the hope and desire that we will return to Him. Any parent will tell that is no small trick.

So what's the point of all this? Many people say that God doesn't talk any more. Nonsense. Some say that the Bible is God's full expression. Don't be silly that wasn't true when it was written and it isn't true now. Any communication requires a starting point, and scripture is that starting point. God knows He will be misunderstood, and we should know that we don't have enough information, thus we need more (that's what prayer is for).

God knows the restraints of His creation and is willing to work within them. We need to know our limitations and work to overcome them. There are consequences. God is willing to work to minimize them, we need to work as well.